Friday, November 9, 2007

Week Seven: Assignments

Kellynch Hall (for real:
  1. Please email me and your peers your Working Draft by Sunday November 11 in the p.m.
  2. I will be posting instructions for the Peer Review on the blog shortly. Please review your peers' papers using these guidelines and send via email by Tuesday November 13 in the p.m. Print out the reviews of your essay and bring them to class on Wednesday.
  3. Essays are due Monday November 19th. I will return drafts on Wednesday November 14th or via email beforehand. I will have my regular office hours on Wednesday from 12-1 in the Humcore Office, HIB 194, and I will also have additional hours either that Wednesday or Thursday.
  4. Continue to post on "Thinking with Descartes" blog--especially questions.
  5. Begin reading Persuasion!! Wednesday's lecture will be a transition from Meditations to Persuasion, so bring both and begin thinking about how Jane Austen portrays the "thinking thing"--that is, the internal workings of the human mind. Here is the film trailer, if you need a hook:
  6. Good Work so far on sticking with essay two--it is not an easy assignment! Remember, as you are working, my emphasis on interpretation. You might find it useful to remind yourself of the types of things you need to "deal with" in your analysis of a passage by referring to the "Checklist for Analysis" on pages 58-59 of the Student Guide.

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