Monday, October 29, 2007

Ideas Draft Essay Two

Please Email me your idea draft by 9 p.m. on Sunday. Due to the "schematic" nature of Ideas Drafts, you might need to do some translating from your actual "Idea Draft" into this draft--note that Working Drafts are due on Wednesday of Week Six. Spend some time, therefore, looking over and collecting your reading notes into this ideas draft. Here are some guidelines:

  • the prompt asks what the purpose of God is for Descartes. Give a character description of the speaker (Descartes?/"I"?/the Meditator), keeping in mind our lessons from Aristotle--ethos/pathos/logos and morality as a function of the mores, or character via habit, the character sketches. Try to use this essay as a way of developing your ideas about "who" it is that needs god in the Meditations.

  • mark up/annotate heavily!!! keep a reading journal as you proceed through The Meditations. Include your reactions/responses to his mention and use of God. In this draft, try to collect the passages that you find interesting and that move you towards a complex idea/thesis about God's significance.

  • Begin to analyze these passages (refer to pages 58-59 of the handbook, "the analysis checklist" for ideas about what to look for), looking up words in the OED and other philosophical sources as necessary.

  • spend some time in this draft doing your own "meditating"--what is Descartes' whole purpose in The Meditations? How does God fit in--you might begin by assessing if "a lot" or "not that much"...

picture: Birth of a Thought (2001), Susan Aldworth

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